Primary agents that cause polyester resin to deteriorate are of various nature : chemical (oxidation and hydrolisis), physical and biological.
Ideally, it should be stored in cold, dark, dry and oxygen-free conditions.
Relative Humidity values over 65% should be avoided. Polyester resin should be kept at constant, moderate to low levels of R.H.
Do not exceed 18°C for display, for a short period. Store resin in a cold temperature : ideally below 10°C.
Polyester resin is very sensitive to UV radiation : the intensity of illumination should be kept as low as possible, never exceed 150 lux and ultraviolet light levels should be maintained below 75 micro watts / lumen.
Use lead illumination or lamps with low UV emission, or install UV filters .
Good ventilation is essential to prevent a buil-up of harmful vapours from atmospheric pollutants (such as sulfur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide)